Neptune Chemical Pump Company
From Metex Corporation Neptune Pump Representative
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Neptune Chemical Pump Company Inc., offers a complete line of Hydraulic Diaphragm metering pumps typically used for chemical metering in process and agricultural industries. Chemical metering pumps available for high and low pressure applications with manual and electronic stroke control. Neptune By-Pass Feed Systems provide a convenient method of introducing treatment chemicals into closed circulating water systems, Neptune Bromine Feeders a convenient and efficient way to properly feed solid biocides or other corrosive water treatment chemicals and Neptune Glycol Feeders designed for the addition of glycol solution to closed loop chilled or hot water systems. Neptune Systems feature Neptune Liquid Polymer Blender and Feeders which features Neptune Polymaster dilutes, mixes and thoroughly activates emulsion, dispersion and solution polymers, including new high-molecular-weight products, Neptune Packaged Chemical Feed Systems standard chemical feed systems to 500 gallons with bottom, top or side-mounted pumps and Neptune Custom Chemical Feed Systems designed to meet your requirements using your specifications or Neptune's application expertise. Neptune Accessories feature Neptune Back Pressure Valves, Neptune Calibration Cylinders, Neptune Corporation Stops, Neptune Injection Quills, Neptune Pulsation Dampeners, Neptune Relief Valves and Neptune Sample Coolers. |